Tilbury, ON, Electrician

When you need electrical repairs or replacements, call us at 519-354-9491 for services in Tilbury and the surrounding areas.

Postma Heating and Cooling - Tilbury, ON, Electrician

When you have an overloaded circuit breaker, or you need electrical upgrades to avoid electrical code violations, you need to call an electrician you can trust. Don’t risk a fire or other hazards at your home. Call Postma Heating & Cooling for appointments in Tilbury, ON. Our experts can inspect your system, repair it, and replace units if needed. And, we promise to arrive on time!

We offer complete electrical services to Tilbury, including:

  • Electrical repair and troubleshooting
  • Code compliance repairs
  • Electrical outlet repair and replacements
  • Electrical panel repair and replacement
  • Whole-house generator services
  • Electrical safety inspection
  • Indoor lighting
  • Outdoor lighting
  • Light switches and dimmers

Get more insight into your home’s wiring and electrical systems when you read our monthly blogs.

When You Need Electrical Panel Upgrades

Is it time to replace your aging electrical panel? It can be difficult to know if it’s up to code or if you need circuit panel upgrades or breaker panel repairs.

There are certain signs you need to watch for. For one, you need to consider the age. If your panel is more than 10 years old, it can be time to replace it.

You should also pay attention to if your breakers are tripping frequently, if you hear humming or buzzing sounds coming from the panel, if there are signs of burning on any components, and if you smell any burning odors.

If you notice any of these symptoms with your electrical service panel, you need help. Call our electrical contractors at Postma Heating & Cooling for appointments.

GFCI Outlets: What Are Ground Faults?

Did your electrician say you need to install GFCI outlets, but you’re not sure why? These are meant to protect your house from ground faults.

A ground fault is an unintended electrical path between a power source and the ground. This could allow the current to flow through you, or anything else it comes into contact with, instead of the conductors.

The GFCI outlets prevent this from happening. This will protect you from electrocution and prevent fires from breaking out at your house.

If you need GFCI outlets installed or repaired, or GFCI receptacle services, schedule an appointment with our electricians. Our electrical contractors also perform electrical outlet repair services.

When you need professional electrical services, don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or to schedule electrical services in Southwestern Ontario.

Benefits of Whole-House Generators

Are you trying to determine if you need to install a whole home generator at your property?

Some of the top advantages of standby generator installations include:

  • Have the power kick in seconds after a power outage.
  • Provide power to your house even when you’re not home.
  • Use your home’s fuel supply to power it.
  • You can decide what appliances it will provide power to.

When you are ready to install a generator at your house, call Postma Heating & Cooling to schedule an appointment.

When you need circuit panel upgrades or wiring replacements, call Postma Heating & Cooling at 519-354-9491 for appointments in Tilbury, ON. We guarantee 100% satisfaction.