Frequently Asked Questions

Do you notice your lights flickering - either when they are on, or when you are running certain appliances? This can signal a wiring issue or a problem with your power supply. You need to call our electricians to schedule an appointment.
When determining when to replace your home’s aging wiring, watch for these signs that can indicate it needs to be replaced:
  • You have bad wiring connections.
  • You notice the lights dimming or brightening periodically.
  • You notice the lights flickering.
  • You notice the odor of burning plastic.
  • You see sparks, flames, or smoke.
  • You notice the wires start to overheat.
  • You notice scorching around or behind the faceplate.
Is your hot water turning cold before you’re even out of the shower? This can be due to several reasons, including:
  • Multiple appliances are using hot water at the same time.
  • There is sediment building up in the unit.
  • The dip tube is broken. This allows cold water to move to the bottom of the tank to be heated.
  • Your water heater is nearing the end of its lifespan.
  • Your unit’s thermostat is not working properly.
If your water pressure suddenly got lower, it can indicate there’s a problem with your plumbing system. You need to call for professional services. Some potential reasons can include:
  • Too many plumbing fixtures running at the same time.
  • Faulty fixtures, like showerheads or faucets.
  • A broken pressure regulator. These are meant to stabilize the water pressure in your home.
  • Closed valves that are preventing your water supply from traveling through them.
  • Clogged pipes are disrupting the water flow through the pipes.
If you smell burning plastic when your heater is running, it can indicate that a foreign object is in the unit - such as a wrapper, debris, or even a household item (like your kids’ toys). It will melt while the furnace runs, causing the odor. To resolve this, shut off the system and try to remove the object, and call for professional services.
To protect your home or building, you should install motion sensor lights at all entrances to the property. This can include dark areas, by all doors and windows, and near the garage. Installing sensors in these locations can help deter intruders, and also provide light in convenient areas to help prevent slips and falls.
If you need to determine if your generator is working correctly, it’s essential to watch for these key signs that can indicate a problem. Our electricians recommend watching for:
  • If there are signs of a leak.
  • If it is low in coolant.
  • If there is no fuel, or if fuel is leaking.
  • If the battery is dead or malfunctioning.
  • If the unit is not turning on correctly.
Same-Day Service
We understand that when you need plumbing repairs or air conditioning repairs, you need the work done quickly. For your convenience, we offer same-day services.
Flat-Rate Pricing
When you hire our plumbers or electricians, you don’t have to worry about any surprises showing up on your bill. We offer flat-rate pricing so there is no confusion later.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
As a local, second-generation family-owned company, your satisfaction is our priority. If you’re not happy with the work, we will make it right!